Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Potty Party

I know I've been MIA for quite some time but I just want you to know I still love you! I haven't forgotten about you, I promise! Things have been a little crazy around here. What with all the potty training and such...

Who knew that in preschool kids have to be completely potty trained by 3 years old. I had already started working with the little miss by introducing her the potty but I was a little desperate after I found out we needed to fast forward the process. So naturally, I turned to my FB peeps. :) 

I got some great ideas! Luckily I know some fantastic moms who have done this all before. ;) I collaborated all the ideas together and got to work!

We decided to do a potty party with streamers, goodies, special potty crowns, lots of juice boxes and the whole nine yards.

When Miss E woke up in the morning, she got to choose a special pair of undies (she choose Tangled undies of course) and we got our potty party started! When she saw the bathroom decorated like it was her birthday party, she gasped. It was priceless. :)

We spent the day in the bathroom, drank lots of juice and waited...

Until...Miss E went potty! It was exciting!

Every time she went, she got to open an Easter egg (which I bought in a pack at Target for $1- I love that place) that had a special surprise in it. I think she was pretty stoked!

She also got to wear a special potty crown when she sat on her special pink potty. 

We tried to make it as exciting as possible to make the potty a fun place.

I think the day was a success! Little Miss went in the potty 4 times! We had a few accidents, but I know that she is learning and I am so proud of her! 

She really has come leaps and bounds from having absolutely no interest in the potty to getting totally excited about it when she has to go! I hope our progress will continue and I hope you are having a wonderful week thus far! 

If you have any questions about our potty party or any input you would like to share, I would love to hear it! :)

Love, Sierra

1 comment:

Janny said...

I always love a good potty party success story. I'm really apprehensive about when we have to potty train Iris even though it's a year or so away. I like that you aren't expecting perfection- that will really help the little miss E be successful.

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