I am so excited to share my chalkboard wreath tutorial with you today! If you get bored easily, like I do, this Halloween wreath is a great way to switch things up during the month!
So without further ado.. :)
Lets get started!
Step 1: Trace your foam wreath onto the cardboard
Step2: Cut out your circle
Step 3: Paint your cardboard circle with Chalkboard paint
Step 4: Let dry for about 4 hours and paint your second coat
While your waiting for second coat of chalkboard paint to dry...
Step 5: Cut strips of fabric out to wrap around your foam wreath- mine were around 3 inches wide
Step 6: Hot glue your first strip of fabric to the back of your foam wreath
Step 7: Wrap your strip around the wreath
Step 8: Continue to wrap your strips of fabric until the entire wreath is covered
Step 9: Embellish your wreath
with jute rope by hot gluing and tightly wrapping it around your wreath
You can also embellish your wreath with fun felt or fabric flowers. Here's how:
1. Cut a circle out of felt
2. Take a fabric strip that is 1 1/2 inches wide and around 12 inches long and add a line of hot glue along one long side
3. Fold the strip in half and press down
4. Once the strip has dried, cut slits down the side
5. Glue onto your felt circle
6. Keep gluing and coiling your strip around the circle until you get to the center and glue your last bit of strip down in the middle
Once you've glued all of your embellishments glued on, its time to assemble your wreath!
Step 10: Set your card board circle right side down on the back of your wreath and poke two small holes into it that also penetrate your foam wreath (I painted the back of my cardboard circle black, so you could see better)
Step 11: Cut a piece of flower wire and feed it through the the holes and into the wreath
Step 12: Twist, to tie off the excess flower wire
Step 13: Continue the process all the way around the wreath
Now you can doodle to your heart's content!
The possibilities are endless when you have an erasable canvas! :) Did I mention how much I looooove chalkboard paint?! ;)
Linking Up:

I think this is brilliant, Sierra!! I see it working for multiple holidays and seasons. :)
The wreath itself is super cute, but add the chalkboard and it's amazing! I just love it and would also love it if you would stop by and share this at my linky party starting Wednesday.
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